Mechanisms of Concrete Carbonation International Workshop
organized under the auspices of the chair "Materials Science for Sustainable Construction" financially supported by LafargeHolcimENPC, Champs sur Marne
June 27 2019
Carbonation in OPC and Alternative Cement Concrete: Impact of Real Climate versus Accelerated Testing and Implications on Service Life - Kimberly Kurtis, Georgia Tech
Effect of carbonation on hydrate assemblage and pore solution - Barbara Lothenbach, EMPA
Water Sorption of cement paste: effect of carbonation and temperature - Stéphane Poyet, CEA
Probing the links between mineral reactivity and water availability - Anna Harrison, Queen's University
Microstructure and transport properties of partially saturated concrete - Hong Wong, Imperial College
Gas diffusion as a function of microstructure - Karen Scrivener, EPFL
Advanced ultrasonic techniques to characterize changes in microstructure due to carbonation and microcracking - Laurence J Jacobs, Georgia Tech
Reactive transport modeling of coupled concrete carbonation and drying - Olivier Bildstein, CEA